I will be serving as a Protected Areas Management Volunteer with the Peace Corps in Honduras from June 2010 to September 2012. I will also be conducting research for my MS in Forestry from MTU.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Segunda Semana (sorry all for the uncreative titles)

Hola todos! I just got back from a trip to La Tigra National Park, where the access is limited, the trees are small, and the hike to the enterance takes over an hour. Luckily the guard gave us the resident discount, and we only had to pay one dollar to get in (the foriegner fee is 10 times that much). We hiked up to the first mirador where we could hear the singing and preaching of the local church all the way from the bottom of the valley. We were in the area for around five hours, and the church service was still going on when we left. Whew.

Life in Zarabanda is good. Peace Corps training involves a lot of sitting on uncomfy chairs and listening to presentations. One week to go till field based training starts. About 20 of us will be moving to a rural village to do some hillside farming and protected areas managment training. Unfortunately, I´ll have to descend out of the mountains for it, which means adios to my beloved pine trees and hello to some sweltering heat.

Yesterday´s adventures included some market negotiations in Tegucigalpa, in which I procured a used pair of running shoes and my very own cell phone! Why the hell did I leave my tenis shoes in Colorado?

I haven´t had time to upload any pics yet and internet access is super super limited. As is maybe half an hour every Sunday. But when I do, you can all see some sweet pics of contour farming, misty mountains, and the killer view out my front window :)

Thats all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ruth -

    Love reading the updates. Sounds like a long church service! Ha! Field based training sounds cool. Looking forward to hearing more!

