Hola todos,
It´s my second day in the country, and wow! Honduras is a million times more beautiful than I imagined. I´m in a dry mountain pine forest, not too hot, not too cold. My homestay family grows mangos, papayas, y un melon deliciosa! I tried to help making tortillas today, but mine came out with distinct finger prints. My homestay mom managed to fix most of them before we ate them for dinner. La comida...way better than I was lead to believe. I haven´t had so many home cooked meals since I left for college the first time. Que rico! Y el cafe...muy muy bien tambien. Entonces, everything pretty much rocks at the moment. I know...the typical Peace Corps depression is probably coming, but I am totally content to be happy for the moment.
Adios por el momento.
Oh, one last note, I woke up this morning to a donkey, a rooster, and several frogs all yelling wildly together. At 4 am.
Anything new happening?