I will be serving as a Protected Areas Management Volunteer with the Peace Corps in Honduras from June 2010 to September 2012. I will also be conducting research for my MS in Forestry from MTU.

Friday, November 5, 2010

birds seen today

On my way out to the farm this morning I saw the following:

White-tailed Kite
Roadside Hawk (2)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (3)
Crested Caracara (3)
Turquoise-browed Motmot
Northern Waterthrush
American Redstart
Spot-breasted Oriole
Blue-grey Tanager

and all the super common birds that aren't worth mentioning


  1. White tailed kite - very cool.
    Rose-breasted Grosbeak - never got a look as it warns that I'll end up with "adult" material.
    Crested Caracara - wing spand is awesome.
    Motmot - my favorite. Love those colors!
    American Redstart - favorite #2 - did you see him with a flared tail?
    Spot-breasted Oriole - wouldn't let me see it - the "breasted" name has got to be the culprit
    Blue-grey Tanager - I'm liking him too.

  2. hahaha!!! I'm so glad the internet shows you porn when you try to look up bird pix
